The Amazing Grace of Telepathy
Non-speaking people on the autism spectrum reveal their hidden enlightenment via a technique called “Spelling for Communication”
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Imagine being unable to communicate verbally, and having very little control over your body, to the extent that your nervous system can’t reliably “tell” you where your limbs are located. Yet, when sensory input is minimized, you’re able to gather with other non-speakers like yourself, and communicate telepathically at a non-physical location called “The Hill.”
At The Hill, non-speakers reveal the side of their personalities which their families, up to now, could rarely, if ever, see. Some of these friends can read and write in languages they never heard in their family or community, others can quickly multiply large numbers. One child, born blind, can “see” through his mother’s eyes. And all of them have bountiful love to share.
Here, in our “normal” (neurotypical) world, parents and teachers have finally found a way to communicate with their loved ones on the Autism Spectrum via a simple method called Spelling for Communication.
Non-speakers as young as 5 years old point to letters on a chart while their parent or teacher speaks the letter. As each word is recognized, the helper states the word. Words build sentences. And that’s how families and teachers break through the barrier that was causing such sadness, frustration, and misery for everyone involved.
Trying to understand why this simple, if laborious, method works, one possible explanation is that people on the autism spectrum lack the “armor” of a normal nervous system so they are able to connect to the universal consciousness. That enables nonverbal (i.e. telepathic) communication.
Oddly reminiscent of reports from people who have met extraterrestrial beings, this non-verbal communication by telepathy is easier and faster than speech.
Fortunately, after the letter-by-letter stage, non-speakers graduate to using a keyboard with large keys (easier for people whose small muscles control is difficult) and the computer app detects the words in the stream of letters. This communication can scroll across the screen or be spoken by an Ai voice.
For a peek at these amazing feats, watch the surprising evidence shown in this 2-minute trailer for a program called The Telepathy Tapes. The documentary series is narrated by Ky Dickens, who says, “I’m going to prove that ESP is real”:
Yesterday I listened to all 10 episodes of The Telepathy Tapes, which was recenlty released on YouTube, even though it’s not a visual series, and I’m convinced that today, in the 2020s, many more people will appreciate these revelations than was possible when they were first discovered in the 1990s.
Key to that evolution is a communication system called Spelling to Communicate (S2C), which unlocked the door between speakers and non-speakers.
We speakers assume that talking is easy, but it requires a lot of fine motor control that’s usually not available to non-speakers. Just as deaf children can learn sign language, non-verbal children can learn to spell out words.
Spelling to Communicate is simple enough: a trusted parent or teacher holds an alphabet grid and the non-speaking child touches each letter in turn, spelling out words, sentences, essays, and even book-length compositions.
Practitioners found that a stencil of the alphabet works even better; evidently it’s easier to aim for the cut out space than the flat letters of a printed board.
Once a child is familiar with this method, they can use S2C programs adapted to large keyboards that are connected to a computer screen; an app divides the stream of letters into words and sentences, speeding up the process.
To the astonishment of parents and teachers, children who can barely learn colors and counting in their Special Education classes can communicate complex thoughts this way. However, many Special Education teachers can’t believe these nuanced communications are genuine, which is why S2C is banned in most classrooms.
Currently, any Special Ed teachers using S2C will lose their license, which has led families who are convinced it works to withdraw their children from conventional Special Education classes.
In episode 5, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake proposes that consciousness is not confined to human brains but is a fundamental aspect of the universe. Quantum physics experiments confirm the non-local nature of entanglement, showing that a change in one entangled particle can instantly affect the state the other in its pair, no matter how far apart they are.
A human who is deprived of the armor that we neurotypical people have is open to the quantum reality of interconnectedness where their inner life is immersed in that universal consciousness. It turns out that we neurotypical people are disabled by thinking the material world is all there is!
If you’re interested in learning more, here are URLs for all 10 episodes. Oddly, some of the perfectly fine URLs do not take you to the video. Therefore, I’ve added an underscore in all of them. Highlight, Copy, and Paste the URL somewhere, remove the “_” between you and tube, and then paste the new version into a portal to the internet.
I especially enjoyed episode 6, so there are lengthy notes for that, and I also typed a few notes for episodes 5 and 9.
From the webpage:
In the premiere episode of The Telepathy Tapes, host Ky Dickens embarks on a mind-bending journey into the mysterious world of telepathy in non-speaking individuals with autism.
Through personal stories and expert interviews, Dickens uncovers a phenomenon she never thought possible—a hidden form of communication that defies mainstream science. Through a mix of personal anecdotes, scientific exploration, and interviews with experts like Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell, a Johns Hopkins-trained neuropsychiatrist, Dickens unpacks the mysterious connection between parents and their children, who seemingly can read minds.
The episode takes listeners on a journey across the globe, meeting families who have experienced this phenomenon firsthand, and challenges the skeptic in all of us.
Dickens brings listeners into a world where telepathy may not just be possible, but is commonplace. She opens up a conversation about the potential of the human mind that mainstream science has largely ignored, inviting listeners to reconsider everything they thought they knew about communication and consciousness.
Season 1, published September 9, 2024
Ep 1: Unveiling the Hidden World of Telepathic Communication in a Silenced Community
Ep 2: Telepathy or the merging of consciousness?
Ep 3: Telepathic Communication between friends and groups
Ep 4: Teen Love with a Twist of Telepathy
Ep 5: Teachers Break the Silence about Telepathy
“You’re going to think I’m crazy, but your kid can read my mind.”
Marianne Harrington, a special education teacher who discovered telepathy of her students in the 1990s, sent tapes to people she thought would be interested, including quantum scientists, who ridiculed, censored, or ignored her.
Susie Miller, a special education teacher, had a client diagnosed with autism in 1999, she visited him at his day care center. She saw a body of light over him, then he said in her head, “That’s my light body, you’re here to put it back in my body.”
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake describes materialism, the aspect of reality which can be measured.
Ep 6: Scientific Evidence for ESP that Shatters the Materialist Paradigm
Research on ESP
I (Lauren) made a lot of notes for this episode! If you just want to see the topics of episodes 7-10, scroll past my notes.
Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell: “Why does consciousness have to be something that’s created? Why isn’t consciousness something that can be accessed and tapped into? I think of the brain as more like our smart phone – it’s got different apps and some of us have apps that others of us don’t. And it’s a way of surfing the cloud. When you look at some of these savants, it’s like they get a download from the cloud…. Obviously, there’s something that they’re tapping into outside of themselves.
Ky: The thing I wanted to know is: if materialism has it wrong about our brain, and consciousness, does it have everything else wrong too?”
Note: We’ll refer to Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell by her first name, “Dr. Diane,” because over her career she used different last names.
Dean Radin: “Materialism as a concept, as a way of thinking about reality, is not wrong because from physics to chemistry to biology to psychology, all of that works really good. We’re not going to throw away the textbooks. But because it doesn’t account very well for experience, we need something that’s a little bit broader.”
Ky: There are a lot more scientists today saying, ‘Wait, we need to rethink materialism.’ And yet the scientific journals, and academic institutions, and the funders of grants are still clinging to materialism. [I.E. the status quo doesn’t want to explore this incredible consciousness we can all tap into.]
Dr. Sheldrake: “They have an undue influence through universities and the media, and their main influence is to make people who disagree with them look stupid. They don’t look at the evidence, they just discredit them by saying they pseudoscientists or charlatans or frauds.”
Ky: There is not an inch of me that is a conspiracy theorist. I want to put that out there because when I say this, it’s not because I have that bent to my personality. But it is true that these scientists are being censored at every turn. People go on Wikipedia and completely change and thwart the evidence around things like the Ganzfeld study. Medical boards take licenses away.
Dr. Diane: “What the medical board did to me really set me back financially and it traumatized me because I had no idea that they could do that.”
Ky: As you may recall from episode 4, when Dr. Diane published her book The ESP Enigma, the medical board fined her and revoked her license without even reading it. The mere mention of ESP was so taboo –
Dr. Diane: “And I didn’t do anything wrong!”
Ky: She paid the price before anyone considered the science behind her work. Only after they reviewed her research was her license reinstated. But the damage was done.
Dr. Diane: “It’s totally about control and shutting you up. And so, it’s one of the things that keeps doctors silent.
Ky: Rupert Sheldrake, the biologist who studies telepathy in animals, gave a TED Talk called “The Science Delusion” and this was one of the few TED Talks ever banned.
Dr. Sheldrake: There’s a conflict in the heart of science between science as a method of inquiry, based on reason, evidence, hypothesis and collective investigation, and science as a belief system or a worldview. And unfortunately, the belief aspect of science has come to inhibit and constrict free inquiry, which is the very lifeblood of scientific endeavor…. Scientism is the belief that science can explain everything and has all the answers, at least in principle, leaving any of the details to be filled in later. There’s a tremendous arrogance associated with this worldview. It hasn’t it occurred to them that their own beliefs might be false.
Dr. Diane: Ten years ago, there was a conference in which several hundred scientists from around the world got together and said, ‘We are going to create a manifesto for post materialist science because we believe that that there is sufficient evidence for us to say that materialism is dead. It was basically like Martin Luther nailing the 95 theses on the church door, saying “We are declaring this incorrect and we’re not waiting anymore.”
Dr. Marjorie Woollacott is the president of the Academy for the Advancement of Post Materialist Sciences.
Dr. Woollacott: I find it a wonderful role to be in because I’m able to interact with scientists all over the globe, including people like Dean Radin, learning more about the phenomena like telepathy and the fundamental nature of consciousness…. I am a member of the Institute of Neuroscience at the University of Oregon and an emeritus professor in the department of physiology, having worked there as a professor of physiology for 35 years. I was a strongly materialistically-oriented scientist. I was very, very skeptical.
Ky: After her sister introduced her to meditation, she started to think more deeply about consciousness. It became clear to her that our mind is not just a physical thing locked in our skull. You’ll start to hear about psi phenomena, a broad term for abilities or experiences that go beyond the laws of physics, like telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition or even retrocognition. Dr. Wollacott wrote Infinite Awareness because she saw that consciousness might not be the result of all the building blocks of our material world, maybe it’s the foundation of it.
Dr. Radin: If that’s true, it suggests that, ultimately, everything is mental. From this perspective, your awareness is actually distributed throughout all space and time and the entire universe. So, if that is true, it would mean that occasionally your thoughts, your mind, are overlapping with somebody else’s thoughts and mind, because they’re all coming out of the same place to begin with. That would explain telepathy. And then the question is 34:04 “Why aren’t we telepathic all the time?”
Ky: It wouldn’t be good for survival on Earth if you’re constantly aware of the thoughts and feelings and placement of everyone around you…. This is why many successful telepathy studies, like the Ganzfeld experiment, start by putting people into a state of sensory deprivation. Because when our brains are fully alert, taking in everything, firing on all cylinders, they aren’t as open to telepathy or other psi type abilities. Our brains may have developed to help us block out more psychic or telepathic states…. Maybe neurodivergent people are already missing the shield, the shield that keeps out everyone’s thoughts and feelings and all the information floating out there.
A sciency way to talk about this shield is called a dissociative boundary. I have a boundary that says, ‘I’m Ky, and Diane is Diane, and you’re you.
But if the basis of the entire world is consciousness, then we aren’t really separate at all. It helps us to survive in the world to believe that we are, to keep our bodies functioning. But that separateness – it might be an illusion.
Children with autism don’t have that dissociative boundary… so they may be tapped into every aspect of consciousness. All the psi phenomena that evidence shows us exist— they might be the gateway to validate this new way of thinking about the world.
I asked Dr. Woollacott if telepathy is a basic underlying form of communication [for autistic people].
Dr. Woollacott: There are a number of cases of people with near-death experiences. They have died, the cardiac arrest, the EEG has stopped, they come back after, maybe an hour, or something like that, where they have not been present in this reality, but the come back with special new skills, including this ability to sense what other people are thinking.
Ep 7: Telepathy is the Tip of the Iceberg
Ep. 8: Gatekeepers of Truth - Telepathy and the Spelling Controversy
Ep. 9: Telepathy Across Dimensions, Death, and Beyond
[Earlier episodes also included examples of ‘psychic abilities.’]
Tahni Cullen wrote Josiah’s Fire, about her son Josiah. Her early acceptance of his amazing abilities was because he gave her a message from her long-deceased but beloved great aunt.
Josiah had a connection with a man in Louisiana named Max, an author of 30 books, and the episode recounts some amazing proofs of telepathy between them. For Max, the telepathy was proof of something bigger— “It’s God using that boy to let me know he sees me when I pray.”
Tahni says of these children, “They’re opening up us to the things that are beyond our wildest imaginations. We all need to be changed. We all need to come out of our paradigm.”
36:00 We hear about Libby, whose young adult autistic son John Paul had died. She lay on the ground next to him before his body was taken away. Later, a woman named Becky, who had developed psychic perception after she was injured in the Iraq war, which left shrapnel in her brain, told Libby that her dad and step dad, both deceased, had been with her during that time immediately after her son’s death.
She asked, “Why were they together? They weren’t enemies but they weren’t buddy buddy.”
The psychic replied, “Because when you die, your ego goes, it’s just love. They loved you so much and they loved John Paul and they were there together because none of that stupid Earth stuff matters."
[I have a friend, T., who is psychic and she came to a women’s group that met weekly back in the 1980s. And one point she said my grandmother was there with a loving message. I asked, “Which one, my mother’s mother or my dad’s mother?” T. replied it was my mother’s mother, but I couldn’t believe it because she had been a very controlling woman, rather a narcissist. But T. said, “People on the other side come from love.”]
Ep 10: In Their Words: Messages from the Non-Speakers
Unsuspected Heroes by Alex Margot, is about Daniel and his mother Connie. But Alex released it as a fiction book because she thought mainstream audiences wouldn’t be able to accept it. Facilitated communication is slow, and telepathy is so much faster.