I got very excited when I found that series on You Tube. I have been very psychic in many ways all my life. Spooking all my friends and family with it on a regular basis. It is a joy that autism, with all its difficulties, has been valuable in opening up science to something which, for me and many others, is perfectly natural and normal. I look forward to being able to talk about these things without being misjudged as crazy or worse, a witch.
I am not autistic - just quirky!
I have shared to Notes and cross-posted to draw as much attention as possible. Thank you!
Oddly enough, I'm ignoring my To Do list and watching a video that seems related to the topic of telepathy. This video seemed very far from my usual interests, yet I didn't turn it off. Plus, it's so looooong (2:47:29)! Yet I'm playing solitaire (with real cards) and putting up with the military jargon because it suddenly got very interesting!
Reality Check, Ross Coulthart
Premiered Jan 23, 2025
749,364 views (1.94m subscribers)
(Youtube "thought" I'd be interested— this video magically appeared at the end of some other video I had chosen to watch, so, for once, I'm glad that YouTube has those Ai algorithms that spy on us)
After all the introductory blather (useful for establishing Jake Barber's credibility) we get to the part where he's doing a recovery mission of 2 extraterrestrial craft, what they call an 8-gon [i.e. octagon]. A ground team went into the steep terrain to prepare the object to be airlifted.
47:48 As Jake and his air crew approach the object, he feels, “Odd, emotional. And the closer we get, the more the emotion starts to overwhelm me. I feel a sense of my mother. I feel this intense, hybrid of sadness and happiness, and beauty, and song. It was very disruptive to me, because I had a very practical responsibility at the time to operate a helicopter in the mountains at night. I began wondering what was wrong with me…. But as I came over this object, there was this overwhelming sense of emotion…. Sadness, happiness. I felt like something connected with me, something had tuned in to me and my soul and was providing me some sense of guidance on what to do and how profound what I was doing was. It was so overwhelming that I began to cry.”
“Then I’m confused as to why I am crying. Do I abort the mission? So I just did my best to focus on my particular cues when doing this type of work. [The ground team] got the load hooked up and I began flying away. Once it was just me and that object, for about 20 miles to the drop site, I felt something inside me. I felt like I was possessed by the most beautiful spirit I’d ever been possessed by. It was loving but a sense of sadness at the same time [long pause]… it was a very feminine energy… like the spirit of God, not in any masculine sense. It was like the feeling of my mother, and my daughter, and beauty…. It was like a frequency that I was connected with…. I don't know if it is a thing.... whatever that force was, since that night, it has stayed with me. And as crazy as it sounds, it what's guiding me now. And it's what's providing protection for me."
[I’ve left out the occasional questions from Ross, the interviewer.]
“That experience has made me a more sensitive and aware person…. Oddly enough no one in my crew reported having similar effects. I do not believe there was a being in that craft. I’ve come to understand now, after being involved with other parts of the programs that are tested on the range, that there is a known and researched and implemented emotional or psychic – what we call a psionic component – to the research and development of the UAP program.
Thank you Frances for sharing this information, Since the passing of my mother in law last year from dementia, me and my wife now find ourselves teaching our autistic granddaughter, apparently the special school to help her, can't deal with her routines and she was sent home, she has so many qualities and I love teaching her, we work around her routines and she is slowly coming round, she is selective non verbal and will only talk with her mum, but we can work around that and hopefully with more confidence building she will start to express herself more.
Will save this and slowly go through it, thank you and Lauren.
It sounds like you are the kind of person who would quickly understand all I have written in my explanation of Mind.
'Mind Defined', it is, since last month freely available ony website, Mindism.net
I made my first Substack post DNA, Soul, Mind and Spirit, how they manifest Consciousness
If you have some basic biology as well as your understanding of 'wave form frequency' , then you will understand everything, including why some people who receive organ transplants, start to develop characteristics of the donor.
I should think transplant recipients' mimicry of the donors' traits might be psychosomatic, imitative gratitude, rather than materially conductive from organ to mind. ..But I could be wrong.
Three weeks ago, Ky Dickens and Dr. Diane Powell was interviewed by Jesse Michels of American Alchemy. I found it filled in some areas I'd wondered about while watching the Telepathy Tapes. You might appreciate their conversations too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qlppHc3-gg
Back again, tonight... Watched the video above, and... I've seen this before, not THIS video, and not a LONG time ago, maybe a year, or six months? Seems like it was last summer. But this kind of thing. Teaching a young girl to trust her "sight," which came while she was blindfolded. It wasn't instant, but close! She got better as she realized it was real, and she was doing it herself, not a trick, not a guess... Very cool, very interesting. Pretty amazing! And kind of not surprising, really. ^_^ Ah, so many good things about Humans that we've been cheated out of knowing, or just never came across because people don't believe it's real. Thanks for this, Lauren Ayers. ^_^
I am telepathic and communicate freely with many young children that way. They understand easier that way. There are some adults able to communicate telepathically and growing
It's impossible for that many "coincidences" to line up as often as they do sometimes to scary amounts that almost have me falling out of my chair.
Meditators report a higher frequency of such phenomena and it doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Call it what you want... Unified Field, Base Level, the Aether... it appears to be very real.
Even mainstream science is getting close to simply admitting it. They just don't want to label universal eternal consciousness God, but they will accept its existence at some point.
There's a reason why there are some groups of people who do not SAY the word "God" or even spell it out. Perhaps because a word is too limiting. But I do think that whatever "it" is, IT is what we think it is, what we want it to be, and what we hope to be able to know.
Thank you, and now I want to learn more. My own experience now makes sense, I get complete flashes of information from people around me. It’s like they don’t know they are broadcasting. Some times the information is unrelated and just info. I deliberately pinged those I meet to see if they respond. I only use this to check them out, like do they hold corrupt thoughts against me. I have also learned to filter out those who broadcast scrambled and corrupt thoughts. There is so much more this is exciting.
Thank you again for this post I don’t feel alone anymore.
Regarding this article on telepathy, my explanation and definition of Mind, Soul, Consciousness and more also explains the mode opendi that enables this type of communication to manifest.
Thank you for letting me to this aspect of mental communication of which I have not seen to date, such accurate statements documenting this phenomena. Ironic, as you will read below, that it comes out from the jabfest.
Thank you for not replying to my email, in that it prompted me to post my first article on Substack. dNA, Soul, Mind and Spirit, how they manifest Consciousness.
I define all of these terms...
My website went live at the end of last year.
The modus operandi also exposes the vile nature of mRNA technology and explains why many people who receive organ transplants, develop characteristics of the donor....
For some reason, now that I am most certain that the core of my work is Absolutely True, (it does have a mathematical foundation), I do not receive replies from my emails..
Now I just ask for acknowledgement that my email was received....
I am very sorry that I missed your email Harry. Unfortunately I receive hundreds of emails every day and do not have sufficient time to read every one and write, research and have a life.
I am glad that I have inspired you to open a Substack account! That is brilliant and maybe a great way for others to consider your ideas.
spelling to communicate, Isn't that what any of us do who Talk to each other using words?
I admit I didn't read the whole post, because I had to stop right at the beginning to ask this basic question.
one way we communicate with each other is using sound we vocalize in the form of words to share what is in our own mind.
This sound comes out as a vibration that each of us learns to recognize as specific words that we give specific meaning to.
I am not denying telepathy, I personally have had experiences where I can intuit what another person is feeling and thinking, because partly we sense through observing behavior, we sense through smell. Like other animals who are much better at observing behavior and can know in advance what another is going to do simply by observing. I also have thought of a person and a minute later they call me on the phone, I have felt a sense of urgency, only to find out a few minutes later that someone I know needs help...many experiences of knowing something in my own mind before someone confirms the reality of it.
For instance my dogs have this sense when it comes to me thinking to myself, that I want to take them on a walk. They seem to know the minute I have the thought. Suddenly they are walking around me whining and excited. And the excitement builds as they watch me get up and put my shoes and coat on. It is very likely that I give off a hormone that lets them know I am about to take an action, one that is specific to getting ready to exercise, as in go on a walk. They are very observant as well, they get used to routine and time of day when we humans do specific things. They are likely aware that when I put my shoes and coat on to go to the store there is a difference in the way I do that from getting ready to take them on a walk.
my dogs even know many words, I can't even spell out the word walk double you, ay, arh, dee, because even spelling the word out has become 4 new words for them.
The real test is not about a teacher pointing to a letter and the Child understanding this letter and spelling it out, but the Teacher thinking the letter in her own mind and the child KNOWING what the teacher is thinking.
The idea that critters, particularly DOGS, whose sense of smell is thousands of times stronger than ours (I could say YOURS, lolol)... That doesn't surprise me at all. And this whole topic is mesmerizing to me...
I remember watching one of the videos by the Astrologer Pam Gregory... she's so cool, but anyway, she was talking about the future, and that human beings are about to undergo some big changes, PHYSICAL changes, or maybe it's a matter of recognizing and sort of HONING what we are only somewhat aware of now... Oh, yay, this is all very enlivening. Thanks for your input!
I certainly hope we wake up to our hidden power and abilities. This is what I write about often. The power of our own Imaginations! How our own thinking leads to wanting to experience something, and once we get clear about our own thoughts, the universe listens and doors seem to open and opportunities seem to come into focus, providing us the means and the right action to make changes in our lives.
I have had a BIG upsurge in my telepathic/esp-ish ability for some years now, maybe I noticed it when “Covid” started, or before that, I don’t really remember, but I noticed it. It’s very strong now, relatively speaking.
This is partly why I suspect that it’s THIS kind of thing, and maybe EMPATHY is a part of this, that is going to be the next “phase” in Human development… There’s a wonderful astrologist called Pam Gregory, who has talked about how we are soon going to come through all the current upheaval, and that we will PHYSICALLY evolve into a newer form of Human… I think it may well be about THIS phenomenon. So exciting! xo
the world needs a lot more compassion, and empathy,
No one wants to stand in another's shoes and consider WHY things might be the way they are.. there's a lot of ugliness going around.
I walk the dogs everyday, So most people recognize me in my neighborhood. I talk to everyone who is out, and or walking too. But honestly, I rarely see most of my neighbors out in the yard or anything. most I wouldn't recognize if I was standing next to them at the grocery store.
I could have said those things, too... yeah, sister.
But those of us who ARE actually AWAKE and also Paying Attention, we know things are still very magical, if you know where to look (and when).
I don't know why I am so optimistic, and I'm grumpy all the time, too, lol, but I'm still so optimistic... Not stupid, tho. I think we're in for a bit of a SLOG. But I'm also feeling like this shit show is going to be slammed hard into the concrete once people REALLY get awake and see what is comin' at 'em...
And then-- all bets are OFF, because there are SO MANY OF US, and we in the Five Eyes countries-- we like our freedom, thanks very much. And-- look at Africa! I wish I could move over there right now.
Haha... Not exactly but i can imagine it might be like some videos ive seen where the dog is wearing a small camera and you can get a sense of how a dog explores their world. I rescue dogs and have spent most of my adult life observing and being with dogs. Cesar Millan the dog whisperer says it is all about your state of mind when communicating with dogs. Dogs seem to read our mind. They read our body language that is for sure.
YES! Oh, I envy that you spend so much time with dogs...
I need to look into that myself--
But I love to watch the animal videos on Youtube, or anywhere for that matter, and I've noticed that dogs AND cats, unless they're afraid for some reason, seem to "know" what we're saying... or thinking, and they've learned some words from us that verify... So intriguing.
Oh, and PS, I love that Dog Whisperer, he ROCKS!!! and I do believe his name is spelled "Cesar Millan" -- Porque yo hablo el espanol, claro. ;)
Glad you too love the animals and have noticed how observant they are!! Thank you too for correcting the spelling.. I was on my phone when I typed that and I wondered if it might be incorrect, but I couldn't go look it up without losing the comment and the page. I will correct it!
Yes I rescue them on my own, I have rescued around 20 dogs in the last 10 years, If I can't find a new home for them I keep them. I've had seven in my home at the most, Now I have 5. There are so many rescue's here in my town that they are full, and most cannot even take another dog in. Our city shelter is a kill shelter, there are many people trying to avoid this fate for the abandoned dogs that are dumped on the streets. many of them are old and injured. Rescues are always looking for volunteers, either to come to a facility and help, or to be a foster home.
You can also join Rover.com where you could actually dog sit, or be a dog walker for pay by a private owner. Rover is a US company, I don't know where you are located but, there are probably dog services like this you could look into
I tried to join Rover some time back, and something went wrong with the ONLINE process, so … I don’t really remember the exact details, but I couldn’t finish the application and got po’d and blew it arf. ha ha a little dog humor…
But I am a dog sitter, trying to build up a business… My brother destroyed my life three years ago, destroyed my parents’ lives, because he’s a maniac. So I’m trying to recuperate now. I have a dog/cat sit coming in March… I hope the world doesn’t explode before I can do it!
Where are you? If you’re close to me, I’ll come and join up, we can be a dog rescue team! I’d love that. ^_^ (I’m a gal, fyi)
As much as I have read, I understand you have not gone through the 10$ paywall to watch.
DemystifySci has & I listen to them often & it's a delight to watch them grow into a wider world not dominated by establishment science. Even watching them struggle with concepts that are older than they are which have been suppressed but in no wise halted, despite being heretical & anathema. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da-60SIOQ6Y it's only 80 minutes. *Telepathy Tapes + Cosmologic Ouiji Boarding - SOLO! Drs. A.V.Bendebury & M.S.DeLay, #311*
2,952 views Jan 12, 2025 DemystifySci Podcast
Shilo and Anastasia sit down for a discussion of the Telepathy Tapes, motivated belief, and the difference between grift and ignorance. For those who don’t know, the Telepathy Tapes is a hugely popular podcast about the telepathic abilities of non-verbal autistic children, where a reporter interviews a bunch of families where the parents claim to have telepathic connections with their children. The kids are reported to have a 100% success rate of reading their caretaker’s mind, are supposedly able to communicate with each other, and carry a message to the rest of us about the need for peace and care on earth. When we listened to the show, we were captivated… until we weren’t. So we paid $10 to take a look at the library of tapes posted by the podcast, and are here to show you what we found.
I'm glad you provided a critique of the Telepathy Tapes. I ran out of time at 45 minutes but think they are simply looking for weaknesses in the Telepathy Tapes presentations, and haven't set aside their assumptions long enough to see it from any perspective besides skeptic.
It did seem like we watched 2 different programs. For instance, at 20:12 Anastasia said, "In order to prove telepathy you'd probably have to do this without the mom's touch."
First, Ky DID aim to have many of the trials hands free. Second, the point of sharing thoughts non-verbally is dependent on trust. Critics like to say that the non-verbal viewer gets it wrong sometimes. Well, the viewers did an amazing job, far better than chance, so I don't get why Anastasia & Shilo aren't at least a little amazed. And, third, the participants say that one factor that lowers accuracy in describing what the sender is seeing is the investigator's unvoiced assumptions that it's all fake, which in my mind is enough reason to not 'perform.,'
Telepathy is a non-verbal way to communicate that can emerge when there's coziness between mom and child, and once that is familiar to the child, it can be hands off.
Besides, I can't imagine how touching would communicate complex ideas like a 4-digit number or an image. Autistic kids may not like to be touched under various circumstances, but touch that is not demanding or overwhelming is still part of their needs as a child and why not 'allow' it in a trial?
Anastasia and Shilo dropped their post-doc status in at one point and I thought, 'Oh, that's why they have a patronizing tone."
Still, I'm grateful for their calm and non-strident analysis, we all need to hear a variety of insights about anything as amazing as telepathy!
Ayyy, correct there is no advancement sans skepticism.
Telepathy & whatnot have to be real if there is so much guvmint $'s getting dumped into Psionics.
Being experiential in my own life, it's a wildly tricky development <-- wrong word, uncovering {a little better ;^}> because Languid, Languish, Language is all designed to dampen proper construction of thoughts, which are generally images or dialogue. Sending dialogue is congruent to "mind control" because of during the share, the projection requires "want you to too" & unless the other person is set to receive or review (like email & chat kinda 8^) the action of sending is domineering.
Also also the inherent issue is requiring commonality, as in, were my sharing of °Cherish° "Fondly remembered, best left unspoken yet not unsaid." My image that goes along with that is going to be in essence [home invasion by authorities] but that's a Solzenhitzen concept--you can't non-comply in resistance without letting others know, otherwise it's just avoiding that blow, but not anyone else. Once that door is breeched the icky thought is engaged there for the receivers mind, & the °Cherish° core enters the holy of holies (pineal) which is full of the gospel, literally °good news worth sharing°
It requires a "We" not "I/you" that everyone else that is not the recipient is blocked with common dismissal. & the bonus is, everyone that has that specific defense/gate will also receive that transmission. Because it is good for another, therefore it is good for everyone.
The weaponization aspect, to quote my dad, is the spells laid out by mass media that create easy pass gates for the suckers & hence they are not resisting the bad mental promoters . A mental irritant, that is only blocked when in concentration on a task that is important to oneself.
Lucid dreaming, constructing loci is very helpful. I write down my dreams, I can IRL map out the alley behind the mall & the surrounding city, if I so desired to have someone join me in a more real life asleep, not zonked out.
There are many, many things we do not yet fully understand. This is surely one of them, and I am not landing on either side of the "debate," but on the side of... "It sure seems like SOMETHING is going on, for some people, some of the time, in some situations..." And I think investigation is always good, regardless of outcome.
I think it is GOOD to question and even entirely deny, because it's all part of the Dance of Awareness.
I don't think lower posts show on upper posts, as in I received the notification of your "like" but no notice of your comment. So imma post reply to her's, just so you know!
Thanks, I think SS gets, OFTEN, the comments all hinky and out of order and connected to the wrong pre-response original comment, if that makes any sense, quite often! It's pet (woof!) peeve of mine. ;)
I'm SURE there's something to it, because I have experienced things that have no other explanation (except maybe the sniffing of hormones, woof!). I don't mean to be making light of this, but LIGHT of it... How exciting!
As the solar system magnetic shift gathers pace the powers will increase. Mine have started to kick in which I've not had since a child. Blessing / Curse.
Indeed. Me, too. And it’s a job to figure out how to handle it, eh. But I imagine this is already the case for the Critteren… If they can deal with it, so can we.
The knowledge of Good and Evil... I don't know, I've seen some critters who seem to know, too. Elephants, for example, monkeys, cats & dogs... I think some animals are more likely to be naughty, so to speak. Well, maybe they're changing with the times, too, like we are.
I got very excited when I found that series on You Tube. I have been very psychic in many ways all my life. Spooking all my friends and family with it on a regular basis. It is a joy that autism, with all its difficulties, has been valuable in opening up science to something which, for me and many others, is perfectly natural and normal. I look forward to being able to talk about these things without being misjudged as crazy or worse, a witch.
I am not autistic - just quirky!
I have shared to Notes and cross-posted to draw as much attention as possible. Thank you!
Oddly enough, I'm ignoring my To Do list and watching a video that seems related to the topic of telepathy. This video seemed very far from my usual interests, yet I didn't turn it off. Plus, it's so looooong (2:47:29)! Yet I'm playing solitaire (with real cards) and putting up with the military jargon because it suddenly got very interesting!
Reality Check, Ross Coulthart
Premiered Jan 23, 2025
749,364 views (1.94m subscribers)
(Youtube "thought" I'd be interested— this video magically appeared at the end of some other video I had chosen to watch, so, for once, I'm glad that YouTube has those Ai algorithms that spy on us)
After all the introductory blather (useful for establishing Jake Barber's credibility) we get to the part where he's doing a recovery mission of 2 extraterrestrial craft, what they call an 8-gon [i.e. octagon]. A ground team went into the steep terrain to prepare the object to be airlifted.
47:48 As Jake and his air crew approach the object, he feels, “Odd, emotional. And the closer we get, the more the emotion starts to overwhelm me. I feel a sense of my mother. I feel this intense, hybrid of sadness and happiness, and beauty, and song. It was very disruptive to me, because I had a very practical responsibility at the time to operate a helicopter in the mountains at night. I began wondering what was wrong with me…. But as I came over this object, there was this overwhelming sense of emotion…. Sadness, happiness. I felt like something connected with me, something had tuned in to me and my soul and was providing me some sense of guidance on what to do and how profound what I was doing was. It was so overwhelming that I began to cry.”
“Then I’m confused as to why I am crying. Do I abort the mission? So I just did my best to focus on my particular cues when doing this type of work. [The ground team] got the load hooked up and I began flying away. Once it was just me and that object, for about 20 miles to the drop site, I felt something inside me. I felt like I was possessed by the most beautiful spirit I’d ever been possessed by. It was loving but a sense of sadness at the same time [long pause]… it was a very feminine energy… like the spirit of God, not in any masculine sense. It was like the feeling of my mother, and my daughter, and beauty…. It was like a frequency that I was connected with…. I don't know if it is a thing.... whatever that force was, since that night, it has stayed with me. And as crazy as it sounds, it what's guiding me now. And it's what's providing protection for me."
[I’ve left out the occasional questions from Ross, the interviewer.]
“That experience has made me a more sensitive and aware person…. Oddly enough no one in my crew reported having similar effects. I do not believe there was a being in that craft. I’ve come to understand now, after being involved with other parts of the programs that are tested on the range, that there is a known and researched and implemented emotional or psychic – what we call a psionic component – to the research and development of the UAP program.
I love your comment soooo much...
Thank you Frances for sharing this information, Since the passing of my mother in law last year from dementia, me and my wife now find ourselves teaching our autistic granddaughter, apparently the special school to help her, can't deal with her routines and she was sent home, she has so many qualities and I love teaching her, we work around her routines and she is slowly coming round, she is selective non verbal and will only talk with her mum, but we can work around that and hopefully with more confidence building she will start to express herself more.
Will save this and slowly go through it, thank you and Lauren.
What did the mind reader say to the bloke who put ideas into his head?
....."I know that"
Not so fantastic even when looking at it through established scientific ponderance.
Everything and every thought have an EMF wavelength and frequency.
And every thought machine (mind) has transmitter and receiver latency.
This phenomenon is not restricted to the autistic. People don't experiment with each other for obvious reasons.
But that doesn't mean I want you to read my mind Frances. ;-p
It sounds like you are the kind of person who would quickly understand all I have written in my explanation of Mind.
'Mind Defined', it is, since last month freely available ony website, Mindism.net
I made my first Substack post DNA, Soul, Mind and Spirit, how they manifest Consciousness
If you have some basic biology as well as your understanding of 'wave form frequency' , then you will understand everything, including why some people who receive organ transplants, start to develop characteristics of the donor.
I should think transplant recipients' mimicry of the donors' traits might be psychosomatic, imitative gratitude, rather than materially conductive from organ to mind. ..But I could be wrong.
The other things you say are evidentially true.
This is electrifying! (This thread!)
OK. I won’t. 😉
You can read mine, I have nothing to hide from people like yourself
Like I said ..I can't read your mind if you are not transmitting.
And that means you have to transmit, for someone who is tuned in, to hear what you are saying.
in edit: What do you know about people like myself Harry?
" Phew!"
Three weeks ago, Ky Dickens and Dr. Diane Powell was interviewed by Jesse Michels of American Alchemy. I found it filled in some areas I'd wondered about while watching the Telepathy Tapes. You might appreciate their conversations too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qlppHc3-gg
Back again, tonight... Watched the video above, and... I've seen this before, not THIS video, and not a LONG time ago, maybe a year, or six months? Seems like it was last summer. But this kind of thing. Teaching a young girl to trust her "sight," which came while she was blindfolded. It wasn't instant, but close! She got better as she realized it was real, and she was doing it herself, not a trick, not a guess... Very cool, very interesting. Pretty amazing! And kind of not surprising, really. ^_^ Ah, so many good things about Humans that we've been cheated out of knowing, or just never came across because people don't believe it's real. Thanks for this, Lauren Ayers. ^_^
I am telepathic and communicate freely with many young children that way. They understand easier that way. There are some adults able to communicate telepathically and growing
Precog is a thing too.
And synchronicities.
It's impossible for that many "coincidences" to line up as often as they do sometimes to scary amounts that almost have me falling out of my chair.
Meditators report a higher frequency of such phenomena and it doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Call it what you want... Unified Field, Base Level, the Aether... it appears to be very real.
Even mainstream science is getting close to simply admitting it. They just don't want to label universal eternal consciousness God, but they will accept its existence at some point.
There's a reason why there are some groups of people who do not SAY the word "God" or even spell it out. Perhaps because a word is too limiting. But I do think that whatever "it" is, IT is what we think it is, what we want it to be, and what we hope to be able to know.
Thank you lauren, I am teaching my granddaughter that has non verbal autism at present and will have a good read through this
Thank you, and now I want to learn more. My own experience now makes sense, I get complete flashes of information from people around me. It’s like they don’t know they are broadcasting. Some times the information is unrelated and just info. I deliberately pinged those I meet to see if they respond. I only use this to check them out, like do they hold corrupt thoughts against me. I have also learned to filter out those who broadcast scrambled and corrupt thoughts. There is so much more this is exciting.
Thank you again for this post I don’t feel alone anymore.
Hi Stuart, I have written an article called Mind Defined, it is on my website Mindism.net.
If you have basic intellect it should be possible for you to understand that there is constant communication between all three levels of Mind.
For certain reasons, you have a Conscious awareness of aspects of your Spirit Mind.
Ultimately, I consider that it is more at the level of Soul Mind than Spirit Mind that you actually receive the signals/information.
However, most of what I have written requires Minds greater than mine to explain the fine print.
One thing is for sure, you are not alone....
Me, too! And, me, too! xo
Further info: https://youtu.be/0qlppHc3-gg
Good day to you Frances.
I emailed you not so long ago.
Regarding this article on telepathy, my explanation and definition of Mind, Soul, Consciousness and more also explains the mode opendi that enables this type of communication to manifest.
Thank you for letting me to this aspect of mental communication of which I have not seen to date, such accurate statements documenting this phenomena. Ironic, as you will read below, that it comes out from the jabfest.
Thank you for not replying to my email, in that it prompted me to post my first article on Substack. dNA, Soul, Mind and Spirit, how they manifest Consciousness.
I define all of these terms...
My website went live at the end of last year.
The modus operandi also exposes the vile nature of mRNA technology and explains why many people who receive organ transplants, develop characteristics of the donor....
For some reason, now that I am most certain that the core of my work is Absolutely True, (it does have a mathematical foundation), I do not receive replies from my emails..
Now I just ask for acknowledgement that my email was received....
I am very sorry that I missed your email Harry. Unfortunately I receive hundreds of emails every day and do not have sufficient time to read every one and write, research and have a life.
I am glad that I have inspired you to open a Substack account! That is brilliant and maybe a great way for others to consider your ideas.
Thanks for providing a link to your website!
spelling to communicate, Isn't that what any of us do who Talk to each other using words?
I admit I didn't read the whole post, because I had to stop right at the beginning to ask this basic question.
one way we communicate with each other is using sound we vocalize in the form of words to share what is in our own mind.
This sound comes out as a vibration that each of us learns to recognize as specific words that we give specific meaning to.
I am not denying telepathy, I personally have had experiences where I can intuit what another person is feeling and thinking, because partly we sense through observing behavior, we sense through smell. Like other animals who are much better at observing behavior and can know in advance what another is going to do simply by observing. I also have thought of a person and a minute later they call me on the phone, I have felt a sense of urgency, only to find out a few minutes later that someone I know needs help...many experiences of knowing something in my own mind before someone confirms the reality of it.
For instance my dogs have this sense when it comes to me thinking to myself, that I want to take them on a walk. They seem to know the minute I have the thought. Suddenly they are walking around me whining and excited. And the excitement builds as they watch me get up and put my shoes and coat on. It is very likely that I give off a hormone that lets them know I am about to take an action, one that is specific to getting ready to exercise, as in go on a walk. They are very observant as well, they get used to routine and time of day when we humans do specific things. They are likely aware that when I put my shoes and coat on to go to the store there is a difference in the way I do that from getting ready to take them on a walk.
my dogs even know many words, I can't even spell out the word walk double you, ay, arh, dee, because even spelling the word out has become 4 new words for them.
The real test is not about a teacher pointing to a letter and the Child understanding this letter and spelling it out, but the Teacher thinking the letter in her own mind and the child KNOWING what the teacher is thinking.
Compelling comment, on several levels!
The idea that critters, particularly DOGS, whose sense of smell is thousands of times stronger than ours (I could say YOURS, lolol)... That doesn't surprise me at all. And this whole topic is mesmerizing to me...
I remember watching one of the videos by the Astrologer Pam Gregory... she's so cool, but anyway, she was talking about the future, and that human beings are about to undergo some big changes, PHYSICAL changes, or maybe it's a matter of recognizing and sort of HONING what we are only somewhat aware of now... Oh, yay, this is all very enlivening. Thanks for your input!
I certainly hope we wake up to our hidden power and abilities. This is what I write about often. The power of our own Imaginations! How our own thinking leads to wanting to experience something, and once we get clear about our own thoughts, the universe listens and doors seem to open and opportunities seem to come into focus, providing us the means and the right action to make changes in our lives.
I have had a BIG upsurge in my telepathic/esp-ish ability for some years now, maybe I noticed it when “Covid” started, or before that, I don’t really remember, but I noticed it. It’s very strong now, relatively speaking.
This is partly why I suspect that it’s THIS kind of thing, and maybe EMPATHY is a part of this, that is going to be the next “phase” in Human development… There’s a wonderful astrologist called Pam Gregory, who has talked about how we are soon going to come through all the current upheaval, and that we will PHYSICALLY evolve into a newer form of Human… I think it may well be about THIS phenomenon. So exciting! xo
the world needs a lot more compassion, and empathy,
No one wants to stand in another's shoes and consider WHY things might be the way they are.. there's a lot of ugliness going around.
I walk the dogs everyday, So most people recognize me in my neighborhood. I talk to everyone who is out, and or walking too. But honestly, I rarely see most of my neighbors out in the yard or anything. most I wouldn't recognize if I was standing next to them at the grocery store.
There is such a disconnect these days.
I could have said those things, too... yeah, sister.
But those of us who ARE actually AWAKE and also Paying Attention, we know things are still very magical, if you know where to look (and when).
I don't know why I am so optimistic, and I'm grumpy all the time, too, lol, but I'm still so optimistic... Not stupid, tho. I think we're in for a bit of a SLOG. But I'm also feeling like this shit show is going to be slammed hard into the concrete once people REALLY get awake and see what is comin' at 'em...
And then-- all bets are OFF, because there are SO MANY OF US, and we in the Five Eyes countries-- we like our freedom, thanks very much. And-- look at Africa! I wish I could move over there right now.
what are the 5 eyes countries? Africa? interesting, I would never have guessed, what countries?
wouldn't let me edit.. walk spelled, double you, ay, ell, kay... lol
May I have you ever been mentally linked to an animal ? Dreaming in Labrador is nutz.
Haha... Not exactly but i can imagine it might be like some videos ive seen where the dog is wearing a small camera and you can get a sense of how a dog explores their world. I rescue dogs and have spent most of my adult life observing and being with dogs. Cesar Millan the dog whisperer says it is all about your state of mind when communicating with dogs. Dogs seem to read our mind. They read our body language that is for sure.
YES! Oh, I envy that you spend so much time with dogs...
I need to look into that myself--
But I love to watch the animal videos on Youtube, or anywhere for that matter, and I've noticed that dogs AND cats, unless they're afraid for some reason, seem to "know" what we're saying... or thinking, and they've learned some words from us that verify... So intriguing.
Oh, and PS, I love that Dog Whisperer, he ROCKS!!! and I do believe his name is spelled "Cesar Millan" -- Porque yo hablo el espanol, claro. ;)
Glad you too love the animals and have noticed how observant they are!! Thank you too for correcting the spelling.. I was on my phone when I typed that and I wondered if it might be incorrect, but I couldn't go look it up without losing the comment and the page. I will correct it!
I’m a compulsive editor, I can’t help but notice these things. NO apologies are ever needed… I make typos, too!! ;) I catch them later. lol
Hey, I was wondering...
Do you rescue dogs on your own, or do you work for an agency?
I think I'd like to look into that kind of a job.
Yes I rescue them on my own, I have rescued around 20 dogs in the last 10 years, If I can't find a new home for them I keep them. I've had seven in my home at the most, Now I have 5. There are so many rescue's here in my town that they are full, and most cannot even take another dog in. Our city shelter is a kill shelter, there are many people trying to avoid this fate for the abandoned dogs that are dumped on the streets. many of them are old and injured. Rescues are always looking for volunteers, either to come to a facility and help, or to be a foster home.
You can also join Rover.com where you could actually dog sit, or be a dog walker for pay by a private owner. Rover is a US company, I don't know where you are located but, there are probably dog services like this you could look into
I tried to join Rover some time back, and something went wrong with the ONLINE process, so … I don’t really remember the exact details, but I couldn’t finish the application and got po’d and blew it arf. ha ha a little dog humor…
But I am a dog sitter, trying to build up a business… My brother destroyed my life three years ago, destroyed my parents’ lives, because he’s a maniac. So I’m trying to recuperate now. I have a dog/cat sit coming in March… I hope the world doesn’t explode before I can do it!
Where are you? If you’re close to me, I’ll come and join up, we can be a dog rescue team! I’d love that. ^_^ (I’m a gal, fyi)
Pardon me for being a debbie downer.
As much as I have read, I understand you have not gone through the 10$ paywall to watch.
DemystifySci has & I listen to them often & it's a delight to watch them grow into a wider world not dominated by establishment science. Even watching them struggle with concepts that are older than they are which have been suppressed but in no wise halted, despite being heretical & anathema. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da-60SIOQ6Y it's only 80 minutes. *Telepathy Tapes + Cosmologic Ouiji Boarding - SOLO! Drs. A.V.Bendebury & M.S.DeLay, #311*
2,952 views Jan 12, 2025 DemystifySci Podcast
Shilo and Anastasia sit down for a discussion of the Telepathy Tapes, motivated belief, and the difference between grift and ignorance. For those who don’t know, the Telepathy Tapes is a hugely popular podcast about the telepathic abilities of non-verbal autistic children, where a reporter interviews a bunch of families where the parents claim to have telepathic connections with their children. The kids are reported to have a 100% success rate of reading their caretaker’s mind, are supposedly able to communicate with each other, and carry a message to the rest of us about the need for peace and care on earth. When we listened to the show, we were captivated… until we weren’t. So we paid $10 to take a look at the library of tapes posted by the podcast, and are here to show you what we found.
Cherish is the new love, be well.
May God nod to ward thee & thine!
I'm glad you provided a critique of the Telepathy Tapes. I ran out of time at 45 minutes but think they are simply looking for weaknesses in the Telepathy Tapes presentations, and haven't set aside their assumptions long enough to see it from any perspective besides skeptic.
It did seem like we watched 2 different programs. For instance, at 20:12 Anastasia said, "In order to prove telepathy you'd probably have to do this without the mom's touch."
First, Ky DID aim to have many of the trials hands free. Second, the point of sharing thoughts non-verbally is dependent on trust. Critics like to say that the non-verbal viewer gets it wrong sometimes. Well, the viewers did an amazing job, far better than chance, so I don't get why Anastasia & Shilo aren't at least a little amazed. And, third, the participants say that one factor that lowers accuracy in describing what the sender is seeing is the investigator's unvoiced assumptions that it's all fake, which in my mind is enough reason to not 'perform.,'
Telepathy is a non-verbal way to communicate that can emerge when there's coziness between mom and child, and once that is familiar to the child, it can be hands off.
Besides, I can't imagine how touching would communicate complex ideas like a 4-digit number or an image. Autistic kids may not like to be touched under various circumstances, but touch that is not demanding or overwhelming is still part of their needs as a child and why not 'allow' it in a trial?
Anastasia and Shilo dropped their post-doc status in at one point and I thought, 'Oh, that's why they have a patronizing tone."
Still, I'm grateful for their calm and non-strident analysis, we all need to hear a variety of insights about anything as amazing as telepathy!
Ayyy, correct there is no advancement sans skepticism.
Telepathy & whatnot have to be real if there is so much guvmint $'s getting dumped into Psionics.
Being experiential in my own life, it's a wildly tricky development <-- wrong word, uncovering {a little better ;^}> because Languid, Languish, Language is all designed to dampen proper construction of thoughts, which are generally images or dialogue. Sending dialogue is congruent to "mind control" because of during the share, the projection requires "want you to too" & unless the other person is set to receive or review (like email & chat kinda 8^) the action of sending is domineering.
Also also the inherent issue is requiring commonality, as in, were my sharing of °Cherish° "Fondly remembered, best left unspoken yet not unsaid." My image that goes along with that is going to be in essence [home invasion by authorities] but that's a Solzenhitzen concept--you can't non-comply in resistance without letting others know, otherwise it's just avoiding that blow, but not anyone else. Once that door is breeched the icky thought is engaged there for the receivers mind, & the °Cherish° core enters the holy of holies (pineal) which is full of the gospel, literally °good news worth sharing°
It requires a "We" not "I/you" that everyone else that is not the recipient is blocked with common dismissal. & the bonus is, everyone that has that specific defense/gate will also receive that transmission. Because it is good for another, therefore it is good for everyone.
The weaponization aspect, to quote my dad, is the spells laid out by mass media that create easy pass gates for the suckers & hence they are not resisting the bad mental promoters . A mental irritant, that is only blocked when in concentration on a task that is important to oneself.
Lucid dreaming, constructing loci is very helpful. I write down my dreams, I can IRL map out the alley behind the mall & the surrounding city, if I so desired to have someone join me in a more real life asleep, not zonked out.
_Cherish is the new love, be well._
*May God nod to ward thee & thine!*
You know, I just read this again, more slowly, and doggone it, woof! It's brilliant. Cheers.
There are many, many things we do not yet fully understand. This is surely one of them, and I am not landing on either side of the "debate," but on the side of... "It sure seems like SOMETHING is going on, for some people, some of the time, in some situations..." And I think investigation is always good, regardless of outcome.
I think it is GOOD to question and even entirely deny, because it's all part of the Dance of Awareness.
I don't think lower posts show on upper posts, as in I received the notification of your "like" but no notice of your comment. So imma post reply to her's, just so you know!
Thanks, I think SS gets, OFTEN, the comments all hinky and out of order and connected to the wrong pre-response original comment, if that makes any sense, quite often! It's pet (woof!) peeve of mine. ;)
Sometimes I just "like" comments, but I donut know if that's what's it was or...? Anyway, Hi! ^_^
My reply is just finished & posted above iffin you'd like to see a witness of lucidity give an explanation.
Haven’t heard yet but your piece reminds me of The Chrysalids. Thanks for the lead.
Aha the study on non verbal autistic people by American universities ❤️ found that their are 100% TELEPATHIC.
This will all get figured out in good time.
I'm SURE there's something to it, because I have experienced things that have no other explanation (except maybe the sniffing of hormones, woof!). I don't mean to be making light of this, but LIGHT of it... How exciting!
As the solar system magnetic shift gathers pace the powers will increase. Mine have started to kick in which I've not had since a child. Blessing / Curse.
Indeed. Me, too. And it’s a job to figure out how to handle it, eh. But I imagine this is already the case for the Critteren… If they can deal with it, so can we.
They are far more innocent than us. Many humans have the abilities as children but they quickly lose their innocence.
The knowledge of Good and Evil... I don't know, I've seen some critters who seem to know, too. Elephants, for example, monkeys, cats & dogs... I think some animals are more likely to be naughty, so to speak. Well, maybe they're changing with the times, too, like we are.
I enjoyed this also,
'Telepathy Tapes' Reveal Spiritual World Connections
Tyla and Douglas Gabriel discuss the spiritual gifts that nonspeaking autistic savant children are offering humanity.
Tyla Gabriel------Jan 15, 2025
I did post all 7 recordings.it looks like some have been deleted 😔
WOW! Yipeeeee!