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Matt Landman's comment on one more reason to get rid of smart meters:

Smart meters have lithium ion batteries. When thesebatteries catch fire they have what’s called “thermal runaway” where they willgo from 140 degrees Fahrenheit to 6000 degrees Fahrenheit in just a fewseconds. The smart meter is connected to the copper wiring of the home which isdesigned to travel [carry] electricity due to its conductivity. Along withbeing conductive, the copper wires are also great at heat transfer viaconvection. So when these supposed forest fires hit neighborhoods but burn morehomes than trees, the culprit in the unusual fire forensics looks to be thelithium ion batteries. It’s no wonder these homes are burned to dust whiletrees are standing within feet of the houses. These homes are burning from theinside out, literally. The copper wires in the homes are insulated and carryingextreme heat to every corner of the home. Meanwhile the hydrants are empty andthe winds engineered… Welcome to Agenda 2030

Matt created Frankenskies, an excellent video on climate engineering: https://frankenskies.com/ (there are even some amusing bits, we need dark humor in these times).

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