The California Fires – The Hidden Story Revealed
California Mafia, Direct Energy Weapons, an Intentional Accident Blamed on a Non-Existent Cause
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There was a big ah-ha moment when I saw the connections between these 3 videos and 1 article.
Any Mafia organization has 2 layers of protection. First: most people don’t read the evidence and point to the culprits. Second: if we notice their antisocial effects, the creeps intimidate us into thinking we are powerless to stop them.
However, when we realize they’re just wanna-be wizards hiding behind a flimsy curtain, thieves who take advantage of massive forces they have stolen from us, then we can simply pull back the curtain so everyone else can see how selfish and cruel they are.
We haven’t reached that revelation yet. Among our fellow 99-percenters, most assume no one would be so cruel and unfair as to burn 14,000 homes.
Sure, you and I lie occasionally, maybe for the sake of getting along – “I love your haircut!” Or maybe we allow ourselves to occasionally cheat the powerful – such as getting paid cash ‘under the table’ so it need not be reported to the IRS.
However, lies and crimes on the scale presented below are too outrageous to let slide.
Yes, they have been getting away with it for a long time. Remember the Coffee neighborhood fire in Santa Rosa? The Paradise fire? We were conned into thinking those were “natural” fires.
But we can’t keep ignoring the evidence. The Pacific Palisades Fire should finally wake up everyone to what’s really going on.
What renewed my hope, and got me back on the horse that had just bucked me off, is the fact that we ordinary people have truth on our side. That is, sociopaths like those who started these fires can only succeed if we neglect to question authority.
The FBI, grand juries, depositions, FOIAs, calling all whistleblowers to speak up because we’ll finally listen – these are what should happen next.
Whether it’s small or large, a deception can’t persist when it’s found out. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
Below find 4 perspectives that, combined together, could provide readers with a basis for finally understanding how and why these fires happened. (It’s not climate change!)
Incidentally, none of the items specifically mentions any of the other 3. But all 4 are needed, in my opinion, to comprehend what really explains the fires.
Bottom Line
1. The California Mafia is described.
2. Direct Energy Weapons are used to start massive fires.
3. How this Mafia got into power is discussed in a long interview.
4. This article explains why climate change is part of celestial cycles, not human activities.
1. 4 Families Have Run California for 80 years: Brown, Getty, Newsom, Pelosi:
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4:55 minutes
2. DEWs – Direct Energy Weapons – Tubbs (Santa Rosa, 2017), Camp Fire (Paradise, 2018), Palisades:
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3 minutes
3. Who’s to Blame for the LA Fire Disaster
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1:41:00 Yeah, it’s long, but they cover a lot of territory that I, as a liberal, never took into account, as well as some little-known basics of fire fighting systems.
Liberalism Goes Too Far & Ignores Reality
Michael Shellenberger interviewed by John Papola
The Dad Saves America Podcast
Jan 16, 2025
Michael and John unpack the true story of the LA fire disaster and what it reveals about California’s leadership crisis. Ever since the fires broke out, Michael has been on the case exposing the numerous failures of Governor Gavin Newsom and LA Mayor Karen Bass. California’s entrenched political elite have neglected the basic functions of government, creating the perfect conditions for recurring catastrophes. A seemingly hypnotized voter base has allowed the problem to worsen with each election cycle, but perhaps this time around, the undeniable facts on the ground can trigger a renaissance in common-sense governance.
[0:00] Unpacking the official narrative lies
[12:49] LA’s systemic failure isn’t just one big coincidence
[17:45] The homeless crisis drained the firefighting budget
[27:12] Forest management failures aren’t the main story
[31:34] Why leftist radicals want to let Malibu burn
[42:53] Hollywood elites elected their own oppressors
[52:44] White voters in LA are hypnotized by identity politics
[59:35] Is the DEI criticism fair or just right-wing opportunism?
[1:06:09] Western civilization is sacrificing itself
[1:13:42] Did climate change play a role in the fires?
[1:22:25] Climate hysteria is a symptom of privilege
[1:28:29] Is the woke reign of terror truly over?
[1:33:32] Hazing matters for emergency preparedness
[1:38:44] Why Michael is optimistic for the future
4. Human-Caused Climate Change Is a Lie
Yes, we may have some warming (though heat islands have formed around the places that have kept temps for many decades, so those reports exaggerate the temp changes over time).
The way to find reality is to ask ourselves: Who benefits from making the world afraid of CO2?
Excerpts from The Mythology of Global Warming, by Bruce C. Bunker
A 15-minute read
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9 Facts that Correct 9 Myths
1. The dominant greenhouse gas on Earth is water vapor (clouds) not carbon dioxide or methane.
2. The temperature of the Earth has never been constant.
Notice that the famous, super scary “hockey stick” (on the far right) has actually happened numerous times before.
3. There is no correlation between CO2 in the atmosphere and Earth’s average temperature
4. In the past 125 years of industrial activity, sea Levels have increased by only 8”
5. If anything, the incidence and intensity of hurricanes and tornados has decreased.
6. Yes, CO2 a greenhouse gas; that’s because it is essential to life
7. Solar and wind energy can’t meet the world’s energy needs and are too costly.
8. Suppression of scientific facts and falsification of research perpetuate one of the greatest frauds in history.
9. Climate change is the “believable” excuse for a massive redistribution of wealth and misuse of political power.
Look, I just found these 2 bonus items to add before I click on Send:
The Ugly Truth of the LA Fires
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2 hours
On this Canadian Patriot Podcast, Matt Ehret interviews Peter Duke about the LA fires, the case for arson, the World Economic Forum, the California mafia operation that ties the Newsom family, Pelosis and Getty's together, and the extremely suspicious social engineering program managed by Nicholas Berggruen and Nathan Gardels.
A Compendium of Sources of Information about DEW’s, HAARP, ICD and Fire Geoengneering
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Here's a good (and necessarily long) article on the strange new wildfires that turn porcelain to dust, burn half a house yet leave the other half intact, while blue umbrellas or blue garbage bins don’t burn.
Matt Landman's comment on one more reason to get rid of smart meters:
Smart meters have lithium ion batteries. When thesebatteries catch fire they have what’s called “thermal runaway” where they willgo from 140 degrees Fahrenheit to 6000 degrees Fahrenheit in just a fewseconds. The smart meter is connected to the copper wiring of the home which isdesigned to travel [carry] electricity due to its conductivity. Along withbeing conductive, the copper wires are also great at heat transfer viaconvection. So when these supposed forest fires hit neighborhoods but burn morehomes than trees, the culprit in the unusual fire forensics looks to be thelithium ion batteries. It’s no wonder these homes are burned to dust whiletrees are standing within feet of the houses. These homes are burning from theinside out, literally. The copper wires in the homes are insulated and carryingextreme heat to every corner of the home. Meanwhile the hydrants are empty andthe winds engineered… Welcome to Agenda 2030
Matt created Frankenskies, an excellent video on climate engineering: (there are even some amusing bits, we need dark humor in these times).