Sorry, I just finally got to this, and I don't save everything I can't read in due time!

This is exactly what is what, you are SPOT ON, and I'm pleased to see that you've found Kyle Young, "The Secular Heretic." He rocks.

GREAT POST, both in content (courage) and in technical value! I will re-post it.

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I'm glad you re-found it and think it's credible.

A silver lining of the Covid so-called pandemic (which was genuinely tragic, but due to callous deception rather than the virulence of the virus, or maybe EMFs) is that people are learning to be more cautious about Public Health Measures issued by Captured Government Agencies. They're even beginning to see that some (or many, or possibly even most) of the deaths "from Covid" were due to a combination of (1) malfeasance of not using early treatments that work (vitamin D, ivermectin, etc.) and (2) counting ANY death as a Covid death if the deceased had ANY contact with someone who was ill (or who was a non-sick "carrier" of the disease) and (3) counting as a Covid death what was really an mRNA spike protein death (since the "scientists" who did the "research" considered a person UNvaccinated for the first 2 weeks AFTER their jab). And reason 4 is that the spike protein was made in a lab and either "escaped" or was intentionally released in order to try out the "pandemic" measures of isolating people, making them follow stupid rules, depriving them of income (which cost many their homes or interrupted education). The list goes on.

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Well, I have to differ with you on some things, which is not a problem for me, as I can see that you are intelligent, and pretty great!

I see no reason to believe that viruses actually exist. No virus has ever been isolated.

I would substitute Vitamin C for Ivermectin and maybe a little dab of zinc, but also D.

Contagion has also never been proven (read about WWI, when Radar was first introduced.

If something actually exists, called "Covid SARS II," it is a bio-weapon created by the DOD (DARPA) and actually has a PATENT.

I don't believe that there is anything relevant about mRNA fear-mongering, because the vaccines have so much incredibly toxic material in them (I doubt they're all the same, either, those jabs, because if everyone just died, immediately or shortly thereafter, it would make it all waaaay to obvious!).

Proteins do not "escape" from labs. Nor are they released. In fact, it appears, after due diligence has been done, that there are NO NATURAL AIRBORNE PATHOGENS at all! And possibly no "pathogens" in the way we've previously been taught to think of them. It seems to be the case that what we DO have is various toxins and bacteria that, when introduced to our bodies somehow (like drinking bad water or eating spoiled or poisonous foods), our bodies try to clean themselves up, and that usually requires us to be quiet and restful for that period. Fevers, coughs, etc, are to help us detox and to make sure we REST so the body can recover faster.

Interestingly, as more research is done by scientists with ETHICS under their belts, we're starting to see all sorts of things we've been taught are just BS so that the Medical Industrial Complex can prey upon us and take our monetary wealth while they fabricate, ignore, or mistreat our bodily health...

Viruses are a case of mistaken identity, according to early, and covered up, and now latter-day research-- They are actually a kind of garbage man kind of cell! Created by the BODY, not airborne pathogens at all, and because they are only present when we have some kind of illness going on (Read about Terrain Theory), they were initially thought to be the CAUSE of the illness, when in fact, it seems very likely that they are like janitors... They clean things up...

Okay, I hope I'm not irritating you... I've been studying all this for five years. I'm not a scientist, I read a lot, and take the overview. I know a few sort of details here and there, but I'm a generalist... General knowledge. Hugs!

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