Some Lefties Talk Vaccine Conspiracy Theories with Bobby’s Friend Dr. Meryl
Bird Flu, and a LOT more. (Note to Democrats: these theories never made it onto NPR, so of course they’re fake.)
I spent too much time providing Youtube’s rough transcript with punctuation, removing the Um’s, So’s, and redundancies, and large chunks of sidetracks, so this is not identical to what was actually said, but is a good (and shorter) approximation of what they discussed.
This sweet, grandmotherly lady gets to her most audacious rightwing comments after minute 20, and, soon after that, I simply abandon the transcript and list many of the remaining ideas as bullet points.
What makes this unusual is that her interview was at New York City’s Pacifica station, which, like the mainstream media they supposedly challenge, was gung ho for the Covid shots – except for Gloria and Jerry, who were interviewing her; they are so far left that they’re almost rightwingers. Where do you fall on this spectrum?
L.O.L. – Left On Left
A live recording from WBAI 99.5 FM, with Jeremy Kuzmarov (@JKuzmarov) and Gloria Guillo.
Gloria Guillo: Hey everyone! Welcome to Left On Left where the left critiques itself and 3:02 laughs out loud to keep from crying. I'm Gloria Guillo, a former administrator in New York City government, an investigative journalist, Vice Chair at WBAI Radio, and a co-founder of Green Renaissance Sovereign Rights Movement, a group so left it’s right on. I'm joined here today by a resident expert Jeremy Kuzmarov.
Jeremy is a professor at Tulsa Community College, a historian, an investigative journalist, and managing editor of CovertAction magazine, an online magazine that focuses on CIA and Deep State activity.
Today we are joined by Dr. Meryl Nass, physician, researcher, and the first person to prove an epidemic was due to biological warfare. Dr. Nass is also an expert advisor to Health and Human Services Secretary, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Dr. Nass was targeted by the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine for following her medical oaths and ethics, not those dictated by the pharmaceutical industry and the Department of Defense. I've been following the work of Dr. Nass closely since 2020. Although we never met before, she has healed me many times. This is because Dr. Nass' knowledge and wisdom are therapeutic. I remain grateful and honored that she has found time to [5:03] talk to our audience today. While Republicans, Libertarians, and conservatives have had many opportunities to hear Dr. Nass speak before, we on the authentic left have not, because of an activist majority we refer to as the Lockdown Left.
The Lockdown Left has betrayed its roots of questioning authority like Big Pharma, and it has failed to maintain its ability to apply critical analysis and debate. Instead, it engages in slander and censorship. This Lockdown Left says “My Body, My Choice” when it's for abortion rights, but not when it's for forced experimental medical procedures that violate the Nuremberg Code and all laws requiring informed consent.
Today Dr. Nass will be discussing biowarfare epidemics with particular attention to the Bird Flu. Is the Bird Flu the next Covid-19? [6:02] How can we protect our farmers and safeguard our food supply? Take it away, Dr. Nass!
Dr. Nass: Thank you. It's great to be here. I should say that Terrie, when she was the editor of CovertAction, and Lou Wolf, who was publisher back in the 90s, published an article about my explorations of the anthrax epidemic in Zimbabwe, which occurred when it was called Rhodesia, during its civil war. Then Lou lured me into investigating a Cuban epidemic – actually warfare – due to cyanide, which had caused blindness and neuropathies in Cubans in 1993 and 94. Historically, I had a close relationship with CovertAction, but that didn’t persist to the present day. I’m happy to see Jerry Kuzmarov, whose [7:00] writing I have enjoyed for many years, thank you.
Gloria: We've been discussing the Bird Flu quite a bit and you've brought a lot to our attention about this massive culling. Is this the next Covid-19? How is Bird Flu being weaponized, what's going on with our food supply, and what's happening to our farmers?
Bird Flu, Some History
Dr. Nass: Bird Flu was known to be a viral infection of birds since at least the 1950s and it would occasionally come to flocks around the world. We know of many different strains, Some cause problems and go away. We didn't even [8:00] know that it could affect humans until 1997, when there was an outbreak in Hong Kong for people who were physically in contact with birds. Some of them got sick and some died. Then it was acknowledged that certain strains of bird flu might, in fact, infect humans.
No one's been able to prove that it transmitted human to human, which explains why there have never been any big outbreaks in humans, just a case here or a case there. The H5N1 Bird Flu is the newest version since 2022, here in the U.S. There was supposedly one case. Scientists are not even sure if that was a real case or not. One person, who was who actually was a prisoner, was culling chickens, [9:00] and he tested positive, probably with a PCR test, and was tired for 4 days. That was the extent of the illness.
Then, late in 2023, there were people here and there who started to complain of pink eye, and then some mild respiratory symptoms. Now, according to U.S. government agencies, we've had 70 Americans who have been shown some type of bird flu infection since 2022. Of those 70 people, one died. But it was not the strain of bird flu that has been hitting the 99% of the infected farms in the U.S. It's not even clear whether that one patient died of Bird Flu or not, because officials say that that [10:06] death was related to bird flu rather than due to bird flu.
There was also one case of a Canadian teenager, age 13. She was obese and she had mild asthma, otherwise healthy, and she also came down with this same strain of Bird Flu and almost died.
Now let me contextualize this by saying that I remember, as a resident, people would occasionally come to the hospital with some strange viral infection, and, very rarely, they died. We didn't know what it was. In 1997 we found this case and started calling it Avian Flu, claiming that Avian flu could cause a [11:04] severe pandemic in the future, if we weren't careful.
Therefore, Avian Flu was added to the Select Agent List, which is a list of all microorganisms that could potentially cause a pandemic, or be used for biological warfare. Anything that can cause a deadly pandemic is basically also a biological warfare agent, whether or not it's been modified in a lab.
Many of these, presumably, have been modified in labs because the norms for what is permissible to do scientifically in the world with these microorganisms has changed in the last 30 years. Gain of Function research has expanded and even been promoted by the World Health Organization.
Gain of Function means you're teaching these microorganisms either how to transmit better, or to be [12:03] more virulent, or perhaps to affect more organs. What we're dealing with now in the United States is a virus that can affect many, many types of animals. Birds, seals, whales have washed up on the shore dead, and they're tested; sometimes the tests say that they had Avian Influenza. Whether that killed them, we haven't been given a lot of information about that. [13:05] Was this happening before 1997? Maybe it was and we didn't know what to call it, we just said they died. Now we can test for Bird Flu.
But the United States has spent about $2 billion on controlling this outbreak and we've been unsuccessful. The outbreak keeps moving from one dairy herd to another, and from one group of egg-laying chickens to another. Probably there is some spread by air. There is also spread by fomites – that's a funny word that doctors use to mean it's spread on objects. So it could [14:05] be the clothing of farm workers, their cars, or the tractors, the masks, the gloves. In cool weather the virus does not disintegrate quickly, so it can have a long survival simply in the air.
It has been the policy of the U.S. government, and many others, to just cull entire chicken houses. In Italy and in parts of Eastern Europe, they've been culling massive amounts of pigs for African swine fever. Cuba had an outbreak of African swine fever back in the 80s, they had to kill half a million pigs. This idea of culling for a virus if it's highly transmissible has been around for a long [15:03] time, but this concept arose because it wiped out a whole herd of pigs or wiped out a whole flock of chickens or killed a lot of people.
However, the virus is no longer very lethal, at least this one in the United States is not doing that. We need to rethink our approach. I believe Brook Rollins, the new USDA Secretary, is working on new approaches now.
PCR Test False Positives
Gloria: In the past, you've discussed how these tests could give false positives in humans and they're using the same kind of methodology on chickens
Dr.Nass: You're talking about the PCR tests which [17:03] can be used for screening. The documents we have seen show that the federal agencies have been instructing state labs to use a cycle threshold of 45. That means 45 cycles to double the amount of DNA or RNA as you amplify it. During Covid, Fauci himself said anything over 37 is probably dead nucleotides, and doesn't mean anything.
On the other hand, if you're desperate to find every little bit of this, because it's a deadly virus that could kill people, it might make sense to use a cycle threshold of 45. We've been told [18:05] that after a state lab or county lab has found this virus, that has to be confirmed at one of two USDA labs, or a CDC or FDA lab, and that second test will be the definitive one.
I've had trouble finding out exactly what test is being used. I know that FDA did some cultures of virus in fertilized eggs, which is an expensive and tedious test, but it's a good test. I think those tests were probably accurate. But what they're doing now for a definitive test is not known to me.
Gloria: If we were to eat produce or eggs from a chicken that was infected with the virus—
Dr. Nass: It’s amazing [19:02] that nobody has gotten sick from eating anything with this virus. We know that milk from infected cows has gotten into the food chain – I know a farmer who told me that after his cows were identified as having fever, some of his cows were found to be positive for H5N1, and all the milk on the farm was not allowed to be used. But, he said, before they identified the virus, the milk entered the food chain yet nobody got sick.
Foodborne? NO!
In California, officials thought they found one child who was sick from drinking Avian Flu-infected raw milk, but, when they tested the kid, there was no H5N1, and nobody else who had drunk the milk got sick. In fact, the CDC and USDA, on [20:04] their websites, admit that this is not a foodborne illness. And they say that no one's got sick when the eggs or the dairy or the meat have been cooked properly.
In fact, neither cooked nor raw food has made anyone sick.
If that's the case, why are we getting so excited about this? And why are we culling? Virtually everybody, except for one person who's been proved to have bird flu, was involved handling chickens or cows – about 30 were chicken cullers.
Why Eggs Cost a Lot More
166 million poultry have been called in the last 2 years in the United States:
• 123 million were egg-laying chickens
• 13.7 million were broilers, intended for meat
• 18.7 million were turkeys
Gloria: Basically we are destroying a food supply that is really important for humans [23:06] there's no downside to eating these products because we don't get any disease from them. And the price of food just keeps shooting up because of scarcity, so what we're doing is basically reducing our food supply and making it more difficult for low income and moderate-income families to feed themselves.
Here Are the Conspiracy Theories
Dr. Nass: Exactly. Was this strategy chosen to support agendas other than keeping Americans safe from pathogens? Because all of these industries – pork, beef, eggs, chickens – are highly concentrated into just a few companies. The egg industry made record profits last year because the government has not only compensated them for all these dead chickens, but, due to the shortage, they've been able to raise the prices. Their stock has done very well. [25:10] The World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization have both pushed the idea of centralizing the control of food and reducing the consumption of animal products. Which fits with Sustainable Development Goals, and Agenda 21, and the Great Reset.
Jeremy Kuzmarov: Why would they want to do that?
Dr. Nass: Because controlling food is a way to control people.
Jeremy: What kind of food do they want people to eat?
Dr. Nass: Well, they want us to eat bugs. The United States and Canada have supported the development of over 30 factories that grow and process insects for food over the last few [26:05] years. Europe is also doing this. It's part of the agenda.
Another thing that this bird flu business has done is to maintain fear of pandemics, which:
• Supports government spending on biosecurity measures
• Supports the W.H.O.’s pandemic treaty and biosecurity agenda
These are other ways to gain control over people, as I've discussed in many articles and talks. The consolidation of the food industry leads to the failure of small farmers – we've had 140,000 small farmers go under in the last 5 years in the United States. Since World War II, the federal government [27:03] has encouraged farmers to “go big or get out.” That’s a problem because going big means the quality of the food is much worse than when it's produced by individual farmers.
Other Points Dr. Meryl Made:
• Give USDA Secretary Brooke Rollins credit for encouraging people to have backyard chickens and coups, and she will reduce the culling.
• Vaccines are always the favored answer to any pandemic infections because vaccines are very profitable for the corporations who influence our regulatory agencies, as we saw with Covid. See how vitamin A is probably better than a vaccine, here.
• A brief history of biowarfare research at Fort Detrick.
• Her work with a group of Quakers in Northampton, Massachusetts, to expose how Anthrax epidemics abroad were tied to biological warfare. Black Rhodesians, for instance, lost many cattle to anthrax, but white Rhodesian’s cattle were hardly touched.
• The Covid virus was clearly made in a lab, and then accidentally or intentionally leaked.
• The Covid vaccine is probably more dangerous than the virus.
• The United States [41:24], Europe, Canada, and Australia bought about 10 doses per person at the beginning of the Covid pandemic when they didn't even know if the vaccine would work.
• H5N1 vaccine passports for cows and other animals could lead to vaccine passports for people, which expands control of the populace. Digital ID’s also serve that purpose, both for animals and humans. And electronic wallets give government the ability to shut off a person’s choice about purchases and travel.
• She treated Covid patients with hydroxychloroquine, vitamins and ivermectin which led to the Maine Medical Board taking away her license to practice medicine – 2 anonymous people, who were not her patients, complained after reading about her on the internet.
• The U.S. government under Biden went against all protocols in their attempt to prohibit use of these drugs. They had to do it sneakily by scaring pharmacists to not fill prescriptions. [The new mRNA vaccines have no safety testing on humans and couldn’t be allowed unless there was “no other treatment available.” The mRNA shots only got their Emergency Use Authorization because Fauci et al suppressed the fact that Covid for anyone under 70 has a death rate of almost zero, and also withheld the well-documented evidence that being replete in vitamin D protects a person from all infections.]
• She put her unintended retirement to use analyzing pandemics, helping to edit 3 of Bobby Kennedy's books, sharing info via interviews and podcasts, and writing her Substack.
• She is also working with farmers and consumers to bring back agriculture that supports the soil and produces more nutritious food.
• In 2014, scientists in [58:44] Europe and the United States tested many different drugs against SARS-1 and MESR (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, a cousin of Covid). They found 66 drugs that killed one or the other of these viruses in tissue culture. In fact, HCQ and Ivermectin have very long half-lives so they could be given once a week or once a month and they would act as a preventive, like a vaccine.